your dinners always give me inspo 😋
Mostly thanks to my hubs for that. Tho I could cook good before him lol
Have u made any British meals hickory
Ive made scones and I think a few cookie recipes. I do have a scale since we measure differently
Have cottage pie, fish and chips
Did u put cream and jam on the scones and the right way round
I did order clotted cream, had homemade jam.....and I tried layering both ways
Getting a good start on Monday?
no, the animals keep peeing in one spot in my mudroom
and not the same pet is doing it
They all marking the spot... that's definitely not a fun start!
both fixed and been living together nearly a year. But they are both clearly peeing in this spot
🤣 that's one heck of piss mix
Good morning Pugsley ☕☺️ Back to work today?
No sleeping in if you want food
im the first one awake at a hotel.... usually waiting for closest cafe to open ☕☺️
Sorry hickory i knocked one of ya fences down
We serve breakfast til 11.30noon over here