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CColorado Springs Gone Wrong

It’s a in a dark minty place right now…
Damn you poet…. DAMN YOU!!!!!!!
…and enjoy
told you
gota rocky road it out
Rocky road party at poet’s…. I think we are going to need a bigger tub
And now R is hungry
I’m not a fan of rocky road
No not really, I’ve gone past the point of being hungry
I slept instead 💀
Bold choice cotton
I wanna be pulled in multiple different directions
Sounds like the best stretch
im not good lookin wnough to pull a troll let alone you Rainy
Do the best stretch of all time
Nah! I just wanna genuinely be pulled, you know in the old days when they would tie your hands and feet to a horse and they would all go different directions till your limbs rip off? That’s what I need
Drawn and quartered? I wouldn’t recommend the second part of that
no one got it D:
Rainy i do belive your right though only sleep or yaking your lombs off will help
Oh no, the second part is my favorite 👁️🫦👁️
i am also ready for bed myself
debating if a shower can wait until tomarrow
or 3 am
when i wake up again XD
Not a bad choice
. _.
I was correct
Correct about what
When he would be up
Hey anyone on here I can actually talk to
Finally Friday is here
>>> Hey anyone on here I can actually talk to I mean, if you talk there is
Morning friend 🫖
Good morning
Where to today?☕️
The house, i called in today
Nice 😎
Yea, they didn't pay me for last Friday that i did work, so now they can pay me for this Friday that I'm not gonna work
Good plan
Well it’s settled then .. day drinking it is 😂🤣🤣
Something like that yea