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Северная Америка/

CColorado Milfs & Dilfs

I have Adderal for the days it doesn’t
Caffeine has no effect on me whatsoever
What is your morning drink?
Hydration is important
Hey whiskey!
And yea I know. Just doesn't get me going lol
Doesn’t sound like you have many options
I really don't haha
Exercise? Yoga?
Those will make you more aware but it means getting earlier which is the catch 22
Lol I exercise but if I do it super early in the morning like before work, it just makes me more sleepy
I’m bored af
Dip a carrot in viniger then feed it to a goat whos sitting on a potato
Any male on here dm if you are single
Hey I’m single
Like how single?
I'm single. Because I'm alone. In my office. It's just me. Single person.
I'm Single cause people suck. Too much drama and obscure motivations. So yeah I'll pass on that and keep my friends that aren't even in the same state. 🤷🏼🤷🏼
Howdy everyone
Heyo. Welcome man
Where are you from because its not Colorado
Any women here want to flirt with a married man?
Poet already has that covered bruh. Beat it, nerd
Im a single pringle doc
Im a shingle.. cus water runs right off of me 👀
Prove your not a wreckles bot ho world tramps
I'm a ho
Ho it up!
Das da plan
Yea same
What kinda ho are ya ? ? Asking for a friend 😂🤣🤣😂
Nothing was ever proved 🧐
Oh a gold dilf fish
Welcome to dilfs R Us
Oh I'll prove it to you
Nahhh lol. We've been over this, you're no ho 😇
I am a ho tho
Nahhh lol. We've had this conversation ya dork. But even so, if ya really feel a way about it, Better to be a ho than a tool 🤷🏼
Hello, and welcome 😇