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Ameryka Północna/

CColorado & Them Snacks

ooooh. poet with the best idea
Which Redbull goes best with tequila?
which tequila
probably the yellow one
I usually do mi campo repo but I think imma go with a silver today
Well I basically survived day 1 lol
Happy for you
Me toooooo lol
Whatcha watching on Netflix?
Friendly you been ok sir?
Been alive, lots of work and a bit of personal drama, but you know life moves on, how have you two been?
Any one in here Colorado Springs
>>> Any one in here Colorado Springs Yup
>>> Been alive, lots of work and a bit of pers... You hit the nail on the nose sir
This room makes me want cupcakes. Because I'm a fucking fatty
Poet 😩
Sup shawdy
I miss you
Im here sorta
Alot of life shit
I'm struggling hard in life so been trying to stay off here
I feel that
I'm sorry. Hugs
I miss home lol
Luckily I got you hobos 🤣
Hey hey
nice legs.
Thank you
Nice name too lol
I have an email account with that name haha
But it’s Mike Hockreeks, just to make it a little grosser haha
What's this chat for? Just got randomly invited to it lol
People in colorado
For chatting and being cupcakey
That's a descriptor I've never heard
Rile from Lakewood here 👋👀
Ob hi
How are you?
How are you guys?
Dandy like a lion and you?