>>> I was tryin to link with this guy but he g...
A single dude and his dog. Inseparable.
One and the same.
I'm that way with my dog too. 🤷🏼 Then again I don't like people. ☝🏼
Ahh, hello!
What made ya choose a Colorado room?
Cheers cheers. Happy st Paddy's day
Ha. You're as weird as me dude. Can't fool my dumbass
I'm pretty sure that's over time travel speeds 🧐
Idk, I leave work at 7 am, gotta be there at 730.
It's a 28 mile drive.
I get there at 7:16 am.
I'd say, given the fact I drive a 30 year old, square Ford, I'm doing the time travel 🤣
Im suck doing 15... stupid traffic haha
I kinda drive aggressively. I don't do traffic. And I'm not a morning person. I'll take the ticket. For the rest of the slow drivers.
Im a professional driver haha i cant be getting tickets haha
Biggest traffic issue doen here is when the tractors move fields for harvest xD
>>> Biggest traffic issue doen here is when th...
Lucky. I get sleepy Deborah who wants to make eye contact in her rear view the whole way wherever I go, but doesn't wanna go faster, or move. 🤷🏼
Could be getting laid rn, but the only thing fkin me is life 🤌🏼
Bet that's the case for allot of folks in the world
Gunna go look at a second bike today 👌🏼
I'm like on the Denver Glendale line haha
Now someone's gonns peek at you
Over here playing match maker huh 😄
And apparently it's gunna stay that way
I ran out of name change tokens 😔