Yeah like the many muslim terrorist attacks in europe? Oh wait
It's not necessarily, because we have peaceful theists. I'm just pointing out the barbarism in the religion itself
>>> Religion is a social construct
Of course. Abrahamic ones are not peaceful. Jainism for example is peaceful
Originally gods were created by humans to explain natural phenomenan. Such as wind, waves, the sun, thunder etc
Attempts by human to make sense of the world
>>> God created by human? Diabolical statement...
Why you think so?
Okay so can you answer my question?
But my statement is based on facts. Not feeling
There was a time where we didn't believe in gods - and then we started believing in them (making them up)
I was explaining it how the idea if gods came to be
Okay but I was explaining how the idea of god came to exist (several tens of thousands of years ago, cave man days)
Because we made them up. As no evidence for them exist
>>> With their stupidity
You're not the right person to be saying this considering you too believe in talking snakes etc
>>> You also think that you were originally a ...
This sentence doesn't even make sense. I never believe "I" was a monkey. Also we're cousins to monkeys we don't "come from" them.
So you tried to do a 180° on me, but actually you did a 360° and hit yourself 😂
That's because the evidence shows us this to be true
While no evidence exist of talking snakes
And what evidence exist there of talking snakes? (As your book says)
>>> This is one of surah in the Quran talking ...
I was not referring to that, as awful as that one is. I was referring to Adam and Eve with the snake.
>>> You can refer to buddhism and hinduism too...
All religions are created by humans