No you'd think that ancient magical powerful beings would have something better to do than to be inside some dude's body going on an app sending "😂" emojis and trying to engage in small talk there
No it's that they're doing something like that in the first place 💀 That's how it's not convincing
It's like a person talking to "god" and "god" says he has been reading a lot of Manga lately
>>> (War) we don’t need to convince you of any...
I'm saying that you're not convincing anyone so you can remove the (war) and (pestilence) stuff
Most people get rid of their imaginary friends by the time they grow up
>>> (Pestilence) how is identification a bad t...
Nobody believes in your stuff dude
In the government? The government is an actual thing that exists, compared to god
You can't call it truth unless it's demonstrated to be true.
It may be true thatin your head you believe in all kinds of things. Doesn't make them true
>>> It’s been demonstrated to be true on multi...
No 😂 it hasn't
>>> The government is a man made thing
Yes, and? "God" is a man made thing as well. Only difference is that governments actually exists while "god" is just an idea
It's an ideaconcept but it's also a physical place. It has actual effect on the world
>>> And your saying religion doesn't have an a...
Religion does. God does not. The only effect you have is from believers.
What do you mean by "why"? Do you mean "how"?
Thing is nobody knows. And we can't rely on what feels logical for us humans (that there is classical causality "beyondbefore" the big bang). As far as we know the laws of physics seem to break down and become very different as you approach the start of the big bang.
It could very well be the case that time didn't exist "before" it, and that it has always existed. Nobody knows. And it's important to be honest about that, and not to say something you don't know is true.
You're talking a lot of "if" and "doesn't it" and such. You're already missing what I just told you few minutes ago.
I have karate will respond in 2h or so
>>> UK is finished 😂
UK is nowhere near this. Only 6.5% are muslim
47% christian, 37% atheist
It doesn't have that growth, sorry
Crab you're so close to getting a ban if you don't behave like an adult
You don't call someone "scum" here, crab. Act like an adult. Contain your emotions