>>> Lub not being funny but crab shouldn't be ...
Yes I agree.
I don't mind the topic. He's perfectly fine to criticise the religion. But he's being rude calling people names and that's a no-no
>>> Subhanallah why are muslims ashamed of the...
Probably because it doesn't make much sense? With the scientific progress we've made we know much much more than before
>>> Yeah and we can still say same for other r...
Believe me there are christians here who is criticised as well
Then you're not here in the right time. I just had one yesterday. And then about 2 daysbefore that.
Challenging someone is not the same as attacking
Elaborate what you mean by attacking then
I mean name calling yes. But him bringing up a very controversial topic about islam isn't "attacking".
There is a line between challenging someone, and unecessarily attacking. It all comes down to the intentions of the person doing it.
In my case I highly criticize the religion(s). It's spreading misinformation and many things about it doesn't fit in 21th century. And that's perfectly fine to do. I never attack a person with name calling and such.
>>> You saw challenging to make it sound nicer
No. There is a clear distinction. It has nothing to do with what sounds nice
Okay then where were you yesterday when we argued over evolution and big bang with a christian?
>>> Okay then where were you yesterday when we...
Thank you Has. You know I criticize the religions equally.
But you absolutely can criticize a religion when you're discussing it
Screenshot it and send to me so I know whowhen to ban
>>> if u do not criticise islam
Can you say something of substance instead?