And "uniquely precise" is laughable. It's insanely vague in the quran. Which is why it's being interpreted. That's not precise at all.
It doesn't, turtle. Sperm does not emerge from between the backbone and ribs. It does from the testicles.
The quran would have been accurate if it said it emerged from the testicles - which at early times of life were situated between the backbone and ribs
Turtle we read yourcopy-pasted stuff
Turtle, read what I said about water
A book that has flying donkeys, talking ants, splitting of the moon etc
We absolutely need to intake fluids
>>> This is nonsense
Bingo. Bro's so close to understanding how wrong his argument is
Because it is made up of fluids that we had to consume that existed outside of our bodies
Don't cling to old outdated beliefs
The whole argument doesn't make sense does it? But you allow it in your case because it fits with your belief that the quran must be true so you make an exception
How about the splitting of the moon?
Because we know the moon was never split
Erethostenes calculated the circumference of the earth in like 200 BCE
Quran was written like 500 AD and still got it wrong thinking it's flat "rolled out as a carpet"
Idk who wrote something. They have me blocked. Shame
When you can't handle a debate - block
Also squirrel I know you have me blocked so wont be able to see what you respond next to this, because I know you can see it. But the quran says the earth is spread out like a carpet, or a bed, depending on translation. Have you ever seen a spherical carpetbed? They're flat