That it's normal to know that ants are crushed if you step on them? Yeah 😂
Just like a grasshopper or cockroach would
You havent mentioned which other insects he spoke about
Did he mention something like grasshopper and said they're killed? Instead of crushed?
Answer. Any other insects me tioned? Yes or no?
I ask about others because you make a comparison to how he mentioned "killed" for other animals, while crushed for ants. So what are theother animals?
Tell me - how can you crush those animals? 😂😂😂
Idk but it's funny to me arguing with a muslim on why ants would be "crushed" compared to pigs 😂
>>> It looks like it's fused from the middle o...
"Looks like" doesn't mean it's true. There are small cracks around the entire moon in different directions. Nothing showing it was split in the middle. The moon used to be hot (since its formation) and gradually cooled down. When an object cools down it contracts. Andcracks form
>>> Tru it's Muslim friendzone
Was a pretty hostile gc to anyone non-muslim
No there's proper antisemitism talk there. Like they openly talk about it
Dark, out of curiosity what "hatred" is there in the other gc?
>>> Israel vs palestine if not mistaken
This one is dead, wasn't enough action there. I just don't know how to close it
>>> We are not in a video call
Hahaha Has
Alright Dark can you answer about the other gc what's so hatred about it?
I mean just report to us mods if someone's mean to you
>>> Most of all, cant separate culture and rel...
Can you give an example?
Thanks Has, I want to compliment you as well. You have a type of cool and patience for things and you don't really use slurs. You're also one of the more knowledgable muslims here on things. And sometimes you're open to have your mind challenged. These are good traits
But yes we disagree on things and I do think you have a lack of knowledge in many areas (respectfully). And if I seem upsetmadcold when we debate it's really nothing personal 😆 It's all good