Haters are comin out the cracks…
you are not Tiffany Chaos
I rather date women. I get more love from my female coworkers
>>> oop!.
You still wet the bed 😮
I'm talking about plantains
So why aren’t you dating them
I want some mangu or mofongo
A lot of people can be French in here. You don’t know that
You never seen me or met me.
How can I take a girl on a date without being boring ?
>>> You never seen me or met me.
Doesn't seem like he want to
>>> What is Cuban food.
From Cuba dummy
>>> Cigarette?
I might. I have a pack in the freezer haven't smoked in over a week
Now I'm at home with the flu talking to a bunch of filthy animals
I hate this job so much I’m here to unwind
>>> I might. I have a pack in the freezer have...
It's not good to do that bro
U new Yorkers think ur hawt chit
It can cuz the cigs to grow mold
Imma expose this job when I get fired
Best to leave the pack out in a dresser
Y u wanna leave your job ain’t no more good jobs out here