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Amérique du Nord/

🏙New York

You're always goin off on everyone 😆 I can feel the desperation
Maybe have fun dude
Stop being so stuck up lol
You're literally here every time I open the app
Shut up, you chronically online umbratic nerd 😆
Let's party and joke around 🥳
Doesn't always have to be a lecture or debate
If you spent as much time reading books as you did here you would be very bright
I don't mind assumptions ⭐
You can believe anything you desire my good sir 🥰
More than an assumption, mate, it's an observation 🤣
If you say so lol
Taking this way too seriously lol
I haven't come here one time without seeing you
You pay attention to me that much?
This is actually your entire social life
I rarely see u tho
I guess I got under your skin my bad 😔
I can tell you are used to easy opposition
With under exercised pre frontal cortex, and an over active limbic system
We can dance tho 🐒
My amygdala ain't so easy to hijack
>>> With under exercised pre frontal cortex, a... This proves my point even further lol
So smug and fake smart lol
What point? 😆
You're the one who keeps bringing up my intelligence
And all because you insulted my intelligence and failed miserably
You brought it up the first time, and every time after that
But your change of tactics shows at least some problem solving prowess
The weather is so nice today 🥰
>>> The weather is so nice today 🥰. Word but now it looks like it's gonna rain
That’s good, the flowers and trees need it
Took that with my 🥔
Funny as you post that, the sun just dipped by me lol
Now it’s super cloudy. It was just sunny af lol
I'm in East Harlem the sun was out earlier tho
Makes sense
Peekaboo 😜
Probably won’t even rain for long
>>> Peekaboo 😜. I like that song by Kendrick
Can’t wait for warm nights
Sounds lame
Pm me