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Severní Amerika/

🏙New York

i didn’t invite u cuh buy ur own ticket bum
or suck squids dik for it
prolly why he invited u
Yo yo
shush sorry my head hurts
Tiffany 👋
Or whatever alligators say
That’s squidy
the paradox is i hate hateful people,
is it too early for a sammich 😔
Never too early for a sammich
Never too early for one
You owe me a sodaaaaa
I said jinx first!
Nah I said it first
You just didn’t hear me say it
Ari are u hot
You snooze you loose
I have receipts
What soda would you like
I have invisible receipts
I'll buy you the bacon soda
I feel like aris asian
I would like some Coca-Cola
Why I can't I say the short form
Fr I want a sprite
Diet sprite
I don’t think so either 😋
I don't even drink soda haven't for like a year
Grim this is not about you though
cherry cola mmm
Nvm tell your story
Why you not drinking sodas?
Wife’s away anyone wanna play
he prob got the beetus
Not that exciting