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🏙New York

Whatever happened to hi how are you?
i try but then ppl say im boring
>>> Eat my ass then Too smoll
Elluw hew du ye dew
Speak up
>>> I caught my girlfriend What the hell did she do?
I noticed she's still your girlfriend. If she played you out, don't a cabrón. Cabrón, the Puerto Rican definition, not Mexican
Don't be a cabrón
I know that from Narcos
Great word
yo yo
i eat ass who said eat my ass
Buncha crackheads
The scorpion is crazy af
I pretty sure they’re suppose to be in prison
Lool haha I have not gotten the peace
Purple bubble avis deserve prison
Along with the light grey and yellow bubbles
Lonely and bored
That’s just cause you creepin
Light purple one to so
No su
Ok 🥺
Shh shh
Who want to see why they call me Deep Mike
Not me
He’s forever glamourous
Talk to me
Message me
good morning
have a nice day puppy
tks ^^
what are your plans today ??
I will go to work and walk around town after work
Single 22 lives on Long Island hmu 🤪
Deep Mike the fisting Queen?