>>> I can't sleep
Do you have anything that helps? Like melatonin?
I can take melatonin like m&ms
>>> Do you have anything that helps? Like mela...
I usually sleep just closing my eyes until i fall asleep
Aww bibae still sleepy huh 🥲🙈
Damn! Go back to sleep! 🤭
soon lol I just finished eating for fasting today
I'll go back to sleep after pray
Ohh Ramadan is whole month?? 👀
I don’t think I can wake up that early just to pray 😩😩
I'm not a good morning person either, so I usually go back to sleep after haha
I’m not a morning person either and I hate working too early and never like working late either 😂
I woke again and ready for work haha
Can people die unnaturally? But not to harm themselves also
ooo yoi call me habibi now😂
But if u don't like the name I won't call haha
>>> you know what it means
No 😂