>>> If nah, then your claim's not legit
What is a psychic ?
>>> What is a psychic ?
G00gle it buddy 🙂
>>> Hmm guess you a doctor sent by the universe
Ur trying to say that I'm a doctor
Was just playin' with you 🤣
>>> G00gle it buddy 🙂
Well many a times Google or ai also can't be relied upon
Psychics are the outsiders too
>>> Anyways, welcome here 😊
Tx for this welcoming words
>>> Psychics are the outsiders too
Claiming to be the insider
>>> Was just playin' with you 🤣
Oww that's fine buddy
Avatars are appealing and can be distracting too they are relative though
Their cuteness matters most for me haha
>>> Their cuteness matters most for me haha
Yup this is the developers one of the USPS
oh awe I'm good just woke up from a nap hehe hbu
ahh I thought you were that neigh
>>> ahh I thought you were that neigh
Which neigh?
My original name was neighneigh
But I don't remember a neigh