>>> I won't eat I'm full I had late left over ...
fair enough lol
Kayla and stand seem ded🥲
pup is busy playing games for karma
Oh you’re Indonesian! 🥹 I have an Indonesian friend here too. 🤭
It was 5:30 when I first message now it’s 7:34 am.
>>> Oh you’re Indonesian! 🥹 I have an Indones...
oh then I expect you to know some jndo words haha
>>> pup is busy playing games for karma
Good luck to him
I remember u used to sponsored games
lol yeah now I'm broke and don't have friends🥲
Yeah haha I'm broke as well
But in real life I'm broke 😂
Oh happy eid In advance I don't know how it is celebrate
haha too early but thanks
we will pray together first at a Hall or mosque and then back home visiting family or have them visiting us
we eat together, have a nice talk
ask for forgiveness to each other
I just know little about islam only hehe thank for explaining
but tbh I hate socialising
I have to fake my smile and laugh
I cringe at myself sometimes
I remember u also listen bollywood songs 🎵
I decided to stop listening to music
U will stop listening till eidramadan finished?