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👼🏽Innocent Room🔪

>>> Just listening to music rn Yey nice
What’s song are u listening to ?
Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran
Aye Jen
Meow you're not sleeping?
And you H?
I'm J
Bahahahaha Jerry
YouTube lol
Oh nice H
Oh I see
But i don't buy them
I'm not gonna waste my money on that
Oh I see
So what are you going to waste money on lol
Ae if u had any superpowers what would it be ?
>>> So what are you going to waste money on lol Foods
>>> Meow you're not sleeping? Why sleep in the afternoon
>>> Why sleep in the afternoon It's noon there? I see
Oh so like harry from Harry Potter cool 😎
Yes H
What about you H? What superpower do you want?
If I had a super power I would want invisible cloak like in Harry wear for Christmas in Harry Potter and mind reading lol
Oh nice
What time is it over there H?
8:24 pm
And urs ?
11:25 pm
Oh I see
Ae do u live near johar bahru? Just asking if u don’t mind
Buonanotte ✨🌜
>>> Ae do u live near johar bahru? Just asking... Nope. I live in Melaka.
Ohh okay 👍
I saw pic on google it is very beautiful place 🤩
Which place?
Ur city ?
We have many historical places in here
Oo nice 👍