Dang just saw from the preview someone in here has me blocked
Jk I didn't even see the pic
Nah it’s not even that bad
People block me all the time and I'm just like ???
It’s funny I saw someone complaining about blocking before opening the chat but I can’t see them now
Kinda what I was getting at, you either blocked or got blocked oh well I’m not sure why people make a big deal of it always
I just be clueless sometimes when it happens to me
I'm just like idek you but okay
But ur not even really in here whining about it like a lot are it’s like people get hurt if they get blocked and it’s like dude you ain’t even know the mf like that
😌 but I don’t block people. I get blocked for not sending men goodies
Sheep tell me why men built like that
As a barback that constantly has to put them in their place cause they won’t stop harassing my bestie and bartender if I don’t, I have no answers for you but alot of them are sick fcks
But only when they be annoying
Eh I'll go to bed in like 4 hrs
Why specifically 4, what are you doing till then?
Its not specifically 4 just a general idea of possibly
Ahh i see, i interpreted it wrong
A wonderful morning too you too