LMAOO who told u that lie
I’m trying to figure it out for my self
Honestly 😭💀 Jay said I wanted to talk after u left. But i had my phone on silent and figured yall was talking so I popped in my AirPods
Wow so you you talked after I left
Tbh I talked when u were there. When we played shipment with space
😭 but yall were loud so you couldn’t hear me
I genuinely tried to hear you
LMAOO should’ve heard Jay. She said tee n I are loud then there’s me
Maybe cuz my phone like right yo my face so I can see
It’s okay we can play another time
I spoke over you like a rude ass
Nah, yall were talking about soemthing
I be loosing so I need people to Cary me
LMAOO have punnie n space carry u
Space does a good job carrying me
Cuz I was like she better lol
Ohhh okay good 😂 cause I don’t remember
I would of kept bothering you till you did lol
Lmaoooo maam shouldn’t u be sleeping
Si ustedes hablan muy fuerte
Parece que estan gritando
I think I'm the only one who speaks Spanish.
Jajajajja eeddgaaar No trato de ser ruidosa lo siento si lo soy
I'm sorry I'm 100% Mexican
My English is almost non existent.
¡No te disculpes! Estamos trabajando contigo para que te sientas bienvenido