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Intrattenimento & Stile di Vita/


He went in it’s his girl
They buying beer
And water for me
Oh i see, you didn’t want to third wheel them
Well he asked if I was getting down
I said no
Bc I don’t wanna
Se they left the truck on
And went inside lol
They back hehehe
Ahh they werent away fit too long
What will you guys do for the rest of your day?
Imma smoke
The. Go to my room
I heard popular but i haven’t tried it
I don’t know
She works tomorrow early
But she’s sad
So she might drink
I don’t know
You guys will figure Something out 🤗
I need to sleep now, it’s late
Have a good time 😊
I think you lagged a bit lol
Yh lolz
That girl some pretty azz legs.
Hiiiyaaa jayllybean
How are you doing
Marshemellowwww in okay and yourself ?
Dollll hiii
Jayyyy 🩵🩵
Moaningg TEEE
Morning dolly lolly
Hru teee hru
I’m good and your self 🫣
Look Jay I have a dog named Mello today
Don’t mind my orange nail I havd a orange lol