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الترفيه وأسلوب الحياة/


Roof roof
The dog itself
Thought so 😆😆
I know you did. 😘😘😘
Now stop barking
Roof roof
Make me
"Licks my skin and chuckles at you."
Better beat me good
Real good.
Ugh I can't sleep
Stomach cramps got me in a hold
Oof that sucks
I be putting a pillow between my legs
Bugging my blankets
Hugging *
I should probably get up and take something but I don't wanna move 😐 should've had my bf bring me some ibuprofen before he left for work
I feel that
When I get up I be having to use the bathroom 😭
Mannn I started my period now I’m cramping hard core 🥺
Good morning lovely tee
Awe lemme make you feel better
I wish you could my tummy hurts
And morning bby jay
Hi jay jay
How’s it going
I'm getting McDonald's
>>> I be putting a pillow between my legs Mm. Oh do you?
Goodmorning btw
You is a tad late
lol good afternoon
Jayyy is you on break ?
Goodafternoon and I ain't never on time no way. It'll be aite
If you say sooo
Awe man tee they had added my fave map on BR
But only on the weekend
If they add it next weekend we HAVE to play! You’ll love it! It’s only 40 people and the map is small as hell