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I love reading
I listened to an audiobook this week
Good morning
Where is this??
Dang snow
Ugh I’m so bored
You are lucky
How is being bored lucky lol
Lmaooo fr
Jinx 💜🥰
Hiya Jay 🥰🥰
Lurkers gift me And eee
Where we watinf in line at
McDonald's lol
Was waiting for my food
Ahhh I see
How cold is it over there
Hgssss hi
I miss you too 💜 how are you?
Its like 23 but feels like 9
Oh hell nah
I’d cry
You home now ?
Yay glad you home safe 🥰
Me too I hate the cold
I got this today
Ohhh it is cute
Hot topic had a buy 1 get 50% off the second item
So I got my bf a couple things for his birthday a pokemon figure kit where he can build a couple of pokemon and this luffy funko that glows in the dark
Show luffy funko!
Oooo that sounds awesome !
And yes show funko pls
They had the normal one and then this one that glows in the dark
I want it 😩
Hot topic had them I know online they do but it's a 5050 chance to get the rare version