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Just terrible
Morning QueenBKarlee
I know. I apologise unreservedly
Good morning!
Hello Hello
Ffs I keep seeing the “*****” in my chat list. Who’s got me blocked I’m gonna scream 😭
It’s definitely good this end.
Scream quietly. You’ll upset the guests.
🫢 I’ll try
Right. I’m off to shower. Pie, you’re in charge. Be nice to each other.
Good morning
Oooo exciting… I mean the shower part not the me in charge part 🤭
Why am I awake at 5 am 😭
You’re a deviant Pie. 🫣
I woke up at 3
You laughed don’t lie
I haven’t slept yet…. 🤕🤓
I did 😂
When in doubt, yes it out!
how is life
Life is like a chicken coop ladder: short and full of...💩
Oh not ducks with mustaches say hmmm
Yeah. Not much to say.
Same 6 am still awake? Put pants on more animals now I’m tired
Go sleep.
And I go and do whatever. Laters.
Night night nie nie
Hi all 😊
7days until my holiday feels like it’s dragging
It always feels like that 😆
Not long now Emz 🙌🏻 Even if it feels like forever!