Anyone looking to do detailed roleplay?
I am a Sock of your Sister that has gained the abillity to speak
Wow never knew I had a sister…
You do have a sister. She talks about you all the time. you tend to annoy her quite a lot.
Then I’m doing my job, welp you need to get in the laundry basket where you belong 🤗
Just don't talk to his socks, they've seen some things. Poor guys
My socks see a lot of things since I don’t wear shoes much.
>>> Then I’m doing my job, welp you need to ge...
That's my death sentence and you know it! You can't do this!
*Gets thrown into the washing machine*
No! Please! I'm drowning!
That would be so weird if clothes or objects could talk… 🤔 like EXTREMELY weird
Like imagine if every object could talk, your whole house, even just one room would be non stop yapping
Don’t worry you are with other socks and clothes you will survive to sock an other foot. 😂
>>> *Gets thrown into the washing machine*No! ...
*shuts water valve off and calls 911
But objects are everywhere you will never get away from it.
I'm callin the dry cleaner too just to cover my bases
Fun fact: dry cleaning is not actually dry, they still use liquid. 🙄
Yeah it's chemical was jus goofin
I always thought dry cleaning is literally dry and somehow they clean it 😂 I’m dumb
I figured dry cleaning was just for refreshing clothes, and if you stained it or got dirt on it, and it’s dry clean only it’s just ruined for good 😂
I killed the chat with dry cleaning talk 🤗
James hello. Im good. Wbu?
I'm doing alright just can't sleep, looking for something to do
Anyone wanna do long term rp
I'm available to rp if you're still looking penny
Any girl dm me for roleplay
Girls who are good in roleplay hmu
>>> Let's rp
Text me janna