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🌏Roleplay World ✨

No like users had to pay in karma to dm
>>> I know there was a Option to Sell your pic... Yeh and then they'd have it permanently in their dms while gc ones scrolled away
The locked pics were fun. I posted some troll ones
When was this?
They were but people paying for them got to keep them permanently
I wasn't here for all that I think...
A year or 2 ago
Gotcha. Yep, before (and after!) my time
I was on this app back in like...2017 or something.
Buuut I left.
Oh didn’t knew that.
I literally got people to unlock this
Imagine being so thirsty to really gift or pay for a Hi back in your DM. 🤡💀
Okay, but I'd lock that to my dms so....
I’m only that thirsty for Richard Madden
Yeah, if RM were on here, and Keeley had to pay but could get into his DMs...
hmu for Madden RP 🌚
*Keeley breaks down ducks karma wall*
She don’t need to. I don’t have a wall and I let her in anyways. 🌚
Thirsty af dm sent
Hi Fishy
You all are so cute. 🙂 🙂
Everyone don’t be rood. Say hi to the fishy
The "Hey Hmm" fishy?
I don’t see a Fish.
Ohh sorry I do. Hi Fish.
Hi Fishhh
...the fish isn't saying anything back though, mommy.
Fish 🗣️
Don’t be rood to the people
😔 😥
Ai is out of jail 🥳
Oh good!! A short stint!
Hello all
How are you
Hello hamster.
>>> Hello hamster. Hi
Little cat
I'm only a little cat for now! But soon I shall be a mighty eagle! *poses*
Of course I realize I'll have to change my name at that point. That's acceptable, right?
Yes , i think so
Hi rp 🌚