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Чаты для взрослых и 30+/

🌺30 and older introverts

How are you?
I'm great ☺️
I absolutely LOVE that
I went for a walk earlier. Always helps
Howdy peeps
Hi Jesse
How’s it going Shieldy
It'd going well. U?
Going pretty good here as well
Any plans for today?
Just gonna relax
Sounds like a good plan
I agree lol
It’s like hell here in Austin
Glad u made it!
Hey Molly 🤗🤗
The second band is playing but I want fooooood which is outside
Where it's hot
Yay music 🎶
What do u mean yay music
U don't listen to music
It’s outside but I’m in the shade and there’s a breeze
Breeze or food.....
Tough choice
Tough decisions
I got both
This investigator on here is good looking. He's from tallahassee. But the episode is 10 yrs old lol
What kind of food do they have?
Must have burgers
Emmm 🥰🥰🥰
Investigator? Dateline? Or the Glades?
Shieldyyyy 🤗🤗😘😘
Mollyyyy 🤗🤗🤗😘
I want a burger so much lol
Molly 🤗 🤗 🤗
Shieldy 🥰 🥰 🥰
Charlieeee 🤗🤗😘
Emm 🤗🤗🤗
Emm 🤗🤗🥰
Charliee 🤗🤗
Hey Charliee 🤗🤗