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Obrolan Dewasa & 30+/

🌺30 and older introverts

Morning Verts
Hi Zz Dawg 🍎
Hi Lilli. How’s your Sunday?
Morning zz, Lili, pix
How’s the roof?
Another leak
If you can see
I really hope the insurance can deal with it
You can delete the photo now, mod
>>> Hi Lilli. How’s your Sunday? It's ok how is urs
Hi Alzola
I’m just waking up so I’ll let you know later
Yea i just got up not too long ago
It’s going to be a great day here I feel it
I hope so
No sun yet
But should be here soon
We aren't getting sun just clouds and possible rain later
It’s snowing here
Quack to you as well
I’ve been productive
Outstanding. What have you done
Bought a rubber duck online 🥲
Why not 🙈
Cow go moo
Piggy go oink oink how about youuuu
What did the fox say(
I’m lost
It’s a song
Well that makes sense.
My music knowledge is right up there with knitting and crocheting
I have trouble with those too
What is your specialty?
Eating and sleeping
Another quiet day around here
Welcome Fanta