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Xats per a Majors de 30 anys i més/

🌺30 and older introverts

Why not 🙈
Cow go moo
Piggy go oink oink how about youuuu
What did the fox say(
I’m lost
It’s a song
Well that makes sense.
My music knowledge is right up there with knitting and crocheting
I have trouble with those too
What is your specialty?
Eating and sleeping
Another quiet day around here
Welcome Fanta
Hi Zz 🤙
Oof I can still see my post from this morning
🤣🤣🤣 Sunday is our funday
Introverts funday
That’s no days
I can be having a party in my head without anyone else knowing
Sounds like you are
I just need food.
Have mine
Oooooh that looks great
Well it’s an empty plate now
What’s for dessert
I don’t eat dessert
Le gasp! 😱
I’m ok with my decision 🤣🤣🤣
What were the options if there were any
Dessert options?
Yes yes 📝
Well there’s stale Oreos
A blackened banana
I get why you don’t do desserts