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Érett & 30+ Csevegések/

🌺30 and older introverts

>>> Nice view Which one 😅
Tian 🤗🤗🤗
Bee 👋🏼
Hii daveTOA
How ya doin Bee
Just finished work …
How bout you Dave
Got about 90 minutes till I pull up stumps for the day
Then I gotta do Saturday 😒
I still wish you DaveTOA a great weekend☺️
Thanks Bee. Mine will be 3 days Sunday to Tuesday
3 days off? Lucky you ☺️
And home time 🎉
Summer is coming 😒
What time is it
looks like a nice weather u’ve got
It’s been sunny and warmish
But I am a child of winter
I feel you bro
me too
And i live in a tropical country 😅
Bugga that
Winter here is mild and pleasant
Summer is like living on satans nut sack
I don’t handle heat well
Me too … i get allergies 😩
Allergies and being a larger person I sweat a lot
Good afternoon everyone
Evening Bes
Afternoon Bes fellow bunny☺️
😩i hate the sticky feeling as well
Yessss. Sneezy swollen eyes and sticky. Not a fun way to be
Oh well just gonna have to deal with it .. specially during summer
This is true
Good Morning all
Morning JJ
Morning 💤вέέ🐝🔒
Great view Bes
Ty 😊
Oooo good pic Beslee
Hi Jesse. Thank you
How’s it going Beslee