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Хобби и интересы/

PPet Lovers🐾🐶🐱🦎🐇

Night Jerry 🫂
Haha thanks
Goodnight sleep well 🤗
Good morning y'all 🌄🐈‍⬛☕
I didn't know the bunny sticks had a tattoo LOL
In person when her fur looks black, but when I take the photo it changes the colors of her fur to gray and red. So weird
Yup. Same thing happens to me
I fixed it by adjusting the light balance. Apparently the camera can do that sometimes especially in low light settings or if the light is a certain wavelength.
Hi everyone
Hello Pinky. Good evening to you
He’s cute 🌸PinkyRose🌸
Gmornin everyone
So rare to get this kinda cuddles. I don't wanna move
I had a cat that used to sleep with me every night Like that. She would be under the covers with me and put her paw across my neck with her head on my shoulder
I really miss that cat..
Morning everyone ☀️
Good morning Pinky Rose 🌹
They are cute 🌸PinkyRose🌸
Good morning y'all 🌄🐈‍⬛☕☕☕
Some would say I have a problem 😹😹🐈‍⬛
And there's more.... 😂
Bedding set, shower curtain and bath mat, and a smaller mat for the sink, canvas prints and tea towels. Oh yeah, and t-shirts 😹🐈‍⬛
And my cats grey 🩶🩶🩶 🤷🐈‍⬛
Ok that's the cutest chicken I've seen 😁
Oh my goodness that bow😆
BC you like cats WAY more than I do
One of my silkie chickens
They're cuties for sure