Haha. Cats have a way of looking angry 😂
BC? Luna has a feetsies addiction
That got message blocked twice so I wrote it into the message and then took a screenshot of the two message block things and the new message and it just said "saved photograph"
So if I end up in jail you'll know why
I see why it got blocked, though l o l
You can't say that thing That's an alternative to a button on here🤣😂
So you have to say, like three naps and a z🤣🤣
I even changed the wording
But yes the first one was what set off the alarms. Lol. You'd think I'd learn, this isn't the first time you've told me
Yeah, even if you put a space between the letters, it still counts, it
Check out what I found today in the stuff from my old cat.. I was cracking up l o l
Do you know what these are? Kitty leg warmers🤣🤣🤣
Don't worry, I never actually put them on my cat l o l.. I actually have no recollection of buying these. I just thought it was hilarious when I came across them in her stuff🤣🤣
Omg that fact that you even purchased kitty leg warmers says a lot about you. 😎🫂
Hazel's close ups 😂😂😂 and Luna 👣 ❤️
😂 these animals have personalities of their own❤️
Brought her favorite toy and set it by my foot. Then ended up laying on them both for nap time
I also came across a human baby onesie. In that tote, with the cat sweaters. I don't recall getting that either. But my other cat had been over grooming, so I think I was trying to find things for her to wear to keep her from licking off all her fur
The things we do for our babies l o l