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🖤🥀Open minded people'

The naps are required by my doctors
Id rather just the nap
Ahhh but a cuddle nap is much more enjoyable
My ugly ness will take any cuddling I can get lol
I know that feeling
See I love cuddling my bf lol but I move too much
So napping at the same time is hard
That’s the best part
Is it? Bc my spasms make me kick lol
Especially when naked.
Ahh now that could be a challenge
Haha yes, I cant stop tossing and turning either. Drives me nuts, and then I have to lay in the weirdest positions lmao
Any girls still roleplay? Dm me or tell me your fantasies
I do breathing exercises when I can’t sleep. Or…watch pool 🤣
See I cant sleep bc of pain, rn my body has been going into fight or flight mode when I try to sleep bc of it 😵😵
Ugh. Sound terrible
I have good meds for that, used to be I’d need stimulation to wear me out
Being broken sucks when it comes to sleeping
Hey married 32 m here. Anyone want to chat?
My back spasms wake me all the time
Hey smokin
I have restless legs nerves just won’t stop
That sucks.
I’ve had 4 surgeries on back so I can walk and do some stuff
Hi snow. How’s it going
Ouch my Mrs has had that
Not bad
Hey everyone 👋
Left leg is sleep tingling 247
Hey lili
How are you?
I am good, just a bit tired
Doing good here thanks
It happens
Yeah tired is the new norm now
Seems to be
No fun but it’ll get better with more coffee
Good morning all
any strict doms?
What age should a mom stop showering with her son?
Any girls still roleplay? Dm me or tell me your fantasies
>>> What age should a mom stop showering with ... I think 2-3 🫣everyone has different opinions
All depends. To each there own really