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🖤🥀Open minded people'

Focus on the wsy she says extract
Mmhmm please say extract more
Lol we are all adults here. You know what I mean boys!
Mmmm do I thooo
Well if you don’t then are you really open minded fellas? Haha
Im like 6040 and have selective memory
Depends on the scenario lmao
All scenarios!!
I’m always open minded and never judgmental. Life is so much less stressful that way
Fair enough then
Being judgemental about kinks is so lame
I prefer brutal honesty about kinks. Especially from women. Lets me know where i stand and what is acceptable
Not a fan of “im too shy to tell you”
Nothing wrong with getting feedback, but they shouldn’t judge or make fun of
If i want me kinks accepted i should be willing to accept others kinks
Oh this is 100%
Yes but it still happens cause someone doesnt like what you want to be with your life
I mean like hating someone for being into something
For me i like when im trusted with the information
Like why judge someone who life will have no effect on you
Just like with cheating. You have no one to blame but yourself
Hi Everyone Anyone up for a conversation?
Like yeah i wanna be a pure toy for guys. Is it stupid yes. Is it something I wanna be yes.
U do u
Our kinks are not for everyone and i think there is a fine line between being censored snd over sharing
Now I am curious about these kinks that everyone has
I would be open to a woman seeing other men
True gotta find the right people
Im a master who owns a slave. My kinks fall in to the control category. Snd a few others lol
I’m really not open with my kinks until I feel safe to share. Either with someone or in a place I feel comfortable.
Fair enough
Yes hence why i kept it vague lol. I feel you
I agree
Wanna be used as a woman
As a woman? Explanation please
How’s it going
Pretty good here. Starting to get a little late. How are you?
Long night for me