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Relazioni & Sociale/

🖤🥀Open minded people'

Hey hey.
Hi hi
Hi from romania
Good morning
How’s things over seas
Not so goog
A lot of tension
That sucks
Morning everyone
Hey old
How you doing mom
Good morning and have a great day ahead everyone 💐
How you all doing?
You as well
Thank you
I'm good
How you
Morning everyone
Good to hear. I’m doing good
>>> How you I am good too
What are you all upto?
Anyone with nasty confessions?
Working bored af
Working also
Naughty not nasty….lol
Working, wish I wasn’t… gotta get an oil change this afternoon
Good morning and hello
Hey yall
Hello there ladies
Need a bj
Me too
Don’t we all 😜
That’s one way of putting it….lol
Good morning everyone ✨️😌✨️
I'm a creative master, storyteller, admirer and an artist guy 36yo. I'm looking for a curious and obedient submissive girl ✨
How's everyone doing this fine day??
I’m hunky dory…you?
I'm doing great NeonGeko
That's amazing ✨️✨️
I'm of the goodness! Thank you for asking 😌
Whatchaalll up too??
It’s a lovely afternoon here 😎
Just being lazy
I’m relaxing lol
Oooo you having some mice weather?? 😌✨️
That's goood!! Relaxation is important
Is there anyone who love to smoke?
*nice weather not mice weather lol
mice weather sounds nice
I like the occasional cigar….
Still a little cold, in the upper 30s
Lmaaoo mice falling from the sky is what I pictured
Smoking what exactly 👀
Ooo what kind of cigars??
I'm 25 next month and I wonder if a pack of cigarette a day be too much for my age.
>>> Smoking what exactly 👀 just cigarettes
Too much at any age
Hmmm I mean it could be worse 🤷‍♀️
I thought that I'm doing great because I used to smoke 2 packs a day
don't try it
I lost my voice for a week after doing it for a year
Well if you've reduced the amount then that's an improvement 🎉
thank you
I'm trying to quit but I can't because of my job
It's not like they pay me to smoke lol
it's just too much pressure
cigarettes and caffine keep me alive
Thats a good thing
You will be able to over time for sure 😌
If you keep positive anything is possible ✨️
you guys are lovely
What do you do for work if you don't mind me asking 😌
I'm from some infamous asian country, I work for a big company in my country, I gave them ererything but they don't appreciate me much
Ooooh that's not good. Appreciation is important.
I'm a project manager, I'm the youngest in my department or any department in my company.
That's impressive!
It's hard to tell people what to do that are older than my age
>>> That's impressive! they don't think that way, they think that I'm just lucky
but I know I've been through much more shit than they had
they're always hoping me to fail
I can imagine the older generation doesn't respond well.
I'm trying to compete with the rivals, competitors but I always had to fight against my team first
Along as you keep your confidence and don't let them get the best of you, they will eventually see you as the amazing worker you are✨️
that's harder
Ooo be right back yall 😌
Hello everyone
Hi there Christie
Hey hey, how’s everyone