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Oh for sure
What kinda work do they do?
They are protection dogs
For your property?
When they are home yes
But I used to be personal protection k9 unit
Now I'm a area manager for a specialist security firm
Oh shoot that’s awesome
Lol yeah
have you had them since they were born?
Only one
Gotcha gotcha
The one looking at the camera is the other twos puppy
The other two are rescued
I love that the family is all together
Lol couldn't have not kept kne
totally fair, I would have done the same lol
She had 7 of I had the money n room I'd have kept em all
My poodle is actually the child of my aunt’s two poodles lol. She kept one or two and two of her kids kept 1 each. I think of the 8, we kept 4 in the family lol
Oooooh that's cute
Dogs aren’t cheap haha. Though it’s not too bad if they’re kept healthy and well maintained
The vet and grooming bills can be brutal
Pet insurance and learn to groom
Thou that's harder with a poodle I guess
I’ve thought about pet insurance, but he doesn’t have any issues so he’s not taken to the vet unless it’s for the regular checkups
Grooming him is a major pain in the butt haha
He absolutely hates it
But it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_¯
It's handy to have i nearly lost my black dog after he was "done". The insurance payed for all the after care
That’s amazing! I heard pet insurance isn’t terrible either. I just wish it also included grooming 😂
*Pet insurance costs
Storm is definitely mentally challenged haha. Love the furball anyway though
He so is
He was given a squeaky chicken today he's not sure what to make of it
Lmaooo, I love that
Stfu about dogs omfg
Ohhhhh you got the chicken to go with the egg eh? 😮‍💨🤣
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