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uff lara🥵🇹🇷🫦
you blocked👆🏻
Kim o
lol Lara we’re they being creepy
Hi Lara
Good ass
Bruh this filter makes me Look AI
The glasses are cute
I switch to contacts in 2 months
I’ve never tried them on befire
Before too
You look like ur trying to spell disability
And failing
hello from turkey 🇹🇷🫦
Nice pic
I really need a girl tu rate or give me an advice pls
we all need 1
or 3
Stick with 1
Know ur limits
Stick to 1 and get the job done 👍
i don't even get 1 busy with ma hand
That's a crazy pic lol
It’s so new to me !
So, can you help me pls ?
Hey wie geht’s euch sind Frauen hier die mehr oberweite haben ?
Cute pic 🌹
Hey good morning
Good morning
Good morning
74 lets gooooo
feel free to help me get my gorilla back anyone 👌
Gorilla tag?
No tag for me- Rilla coming soon
Whats up hello
Dead group
It's coz you didn't drop your ass
Lead the way
Good evening ✨
Unsure why I posted skull but we roll with it lol
I'd do her 🤷
You’re doing it live
And well might I add ☝🏽
You're pretty. Sorry I made it weird then that other guy made no sense
lol all good
I’m doin drugs and listening to music
Damn haha real drugs or just weed?
Just dabs
I'm at work 😞
Dabs are no joke though
All I ever smoked lol
They'll make you see the devil
I have flower to smoke every once in awhile but.
Havnt smoked that in like a hour
Yeah it's different for sure. I just drink sometimes
But I'm not against an occasional pill lol
I don’t drink but I was a bartenderserver lol
How was that, pretty fun?
What kinda music you into?
Most lol
Not anything like classic or jazz or Country
Like that
But like rap pop hip hop
A lot of the stuff idk what genre it would be lol
Yah. Made good money