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Idk what I did wrong
Dropped too many nice pics
Tht I missed the boat
DAVE imagine I met u and had the hello Dave mask on
I'd have pooped my pants
Right I need to charge my phone
Blah blah blah
I need to go to schoool
Think about some life choices I didn't make
Excuses 😂😂
>>> Excuses 😂😂 Ure gonnanneed a stirrer for how much ure mixing it btws 😂😂😂
Me and Dave could've fixed the Scotland England divide toooo
Sorry bro 😂😂😂
U could have stopped me being bullied bl
No ur not don't lie to funny AF
😂😂😂😂 this is true ^^
>>> Sorry bro 😂😂😂 Absolutely filthy lies
Right stop distracting me
Got accounts to fiddle
There your accounts
Ok battery is like 6 percent toodlepips chaps 👦
Go charge ur phone
Sound fantastic
>>>📷 😍
I hate those cans I always get stuck in them
They do have a security measure for when u have had enough usually ure hand can't fit in anymore
Iv little hands
Could have found out hoops but you were mean