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so i can post balls on other?
sign me up
I'm game
Most of the rooms allow male posts behind a one star wall
So u don't pop in room and see pp
Seen so much pp there
And I’ve barely been there
omfg kloveyboo
I just got it
I don't click the pics if they blurred
Learnt that fast
Nah not even blurred lol
Omfg jebus
Hi whores
Lmfao what room was that even lmfao
What room?
All the ones iv been in they ask em to put em on a one star thing
>>> What room? Not here different ap
someone tell me the app im about to go post multiple weiner pics
Idk now like I said I haven’t been on there much lol
But I know there’s one person there who’s in so many of the same rooms I’m in wit anti people
And he dropped so much pp
Unblurred unwanted
Was it nice at least
IMO no 😂
Dropping pp is wild to me, like time n place is a thing for your thing
It's a big change
Das it I’m going to other app and dropping balls
Xeno girls can drop fully on it too
lets go hermanito
Nah there’s all kinds of pp men and women 😭
Let’s u drop ur shaft I’ll be ur balls
And toys and shii
klove close ur eyes me and sleepy are gonna do unspeakable things over there
Wait pp women
Iv been liking the rooms where they make sure u blur em lmao
No u stay away
Zooming in
zoom well
I will dw