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HHeartbreak Station💔

No, you don’t have to
I still want to be in his life
And it’s best that you won’t
You have offered your help
He will ask if he wants to
Saying that he can do that as we are friends not dating no more
Why do you need to be in his life so much?
I don’t have anyone else
It seems, from what you say, that you are in different positions
You need him. He doesn’t
He has all the power in the friendship
It is not a friendship
Friendship is balanced
One having the power over the other is control
What is it?
Better no one than someone who isn’t the right person for you
I’m sorry to say it this way
Yeah it’s just hard as I have anxiety with making new friends
That person is not interested in having a friendshiprelationship with you
We make friends through mutual interests and connections
But it takes time
And patience
Yeah it’s so hard though
Join a club
Start a new hobby
Local association
Yeah good idea thanks
Good luck 🤞🏼
Thanks for the advice I really appreciate it x
I am sorry he has disappointed you
But you deserve a different type of relationship 😚
Yeah he literally my only friend away from family and therapists
I unpacked the boxes he sent me home with. Inside are two gifts he got me for our wedding day. Idk what the point of hurting me is. Rubbing it in.
It’s makes him feel better by hurting you, you have to not give him the satisfaction
I want to yell at him but it won’t do any good. He’s a narcissist who hits women.
We all deserve better than this.
He’s not worth your thought
Anyone up for fun
I’d say something, but sometimes my opinion is suppressed by censorship, even if there’s real evidence to support it
Saying things like: maybe someone isn’t guilty simply because they are accused, doesn’t seem to be acceptable conduct. Honestly, I wish people were more measured in their perceptions, as I think this leads to more good, even if it hinders virtue signalling
You don’t have to accept anything. You’re not a police detective. 🧐 This is not an investigation.
It’s all good, I can decide for myself what I think, thanks
Today, I have said goodbye 👋🏼 to someone who had fallen for me
I’d rather be honest than ghost him
Hmm 🤔
Because you have a big heart. Lots to heal 🩷