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الصحة والدعم/

HHeartbreak Station💔

Of my gosh. I can relate hope you’re okay.
I’m heartbroken too
Anyone else ? 😅
>>> Of my gosh. I can relate hope you’re okay. Thank u
My battle boo just lost interest in me out of no where. She was talking about taking my last name and seeing me after AIT and then all of a sudden she stopped talking to me
💞💞💞💞💞join the fun, mend that broken heart I invite you to a chatroom '🍒 friends n drops': https:chat.antiland.comRgGClvWfTZ
Hey all
sup gang
I have good news for everyone. Once your heart gets broken badly enough, it dies, and then you’re immune
Anyone up for fun
He broke my heart and I want to hate him
Then he wins
Dang leave