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Dobi 👁🪶
Helllooooo VibingAntics!!
And welcome both 🙏🫂🪶🪶🪶🪶
Why thank you!
It's pid 👁️
Always a grand pleasure 😌
I knew it was Pid lol - I almost announced 🤣🤣
How u know
But wasn’t quite sure enough; I sensed it - and I believe you were a mouse before with green speech 👁
And how are you both today?
👁️ but there was 3 mouses with green speech
But only one Pid 👁
Im living like Larry and cold, you?
Ooooooooh like Larry!! I like this statement!! But you must keeeeeeep warm!!
Larry 👁️
Larrrrrrry 👁
Live like Larry 👁️
Hi Sammy
How’s the Plappppperr? 👁
Sammy 🫂🫂
Gday Great Paul!! How’s ya doing man!!!?
Another day clean Doing pretty good thanks
How's the roasted turkey?
You absolute legend!! Seriously man - you’re an absolute champ!! Bravo you Great Bacony Paul!! 🙏🫖🫂☕️
I ain’t toooooooooooooo bad man!! Tired but good!! The fight is on and things move apace!! 🙏🪶
Let's not get too excited lol 22 days isn't a great feat really lol
Dude - giving up Nicotine, 22 days is damned awesome
That’s a giant step
Oh I know lol But let's chat in 12 months lol That'll be a feat
🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok lol 🙏
You’ll be good man!
I shall make a tea 🫖
Dammit, didn't think you'd agree lol
Sammy is gonna come victorious 🤣
Cold as hell. Fluffy socks aren’t enough anymore
>>> Cold as hell. Fluffy socks aren’t enough a... Put Grinch on 👁️
I made coffee ☕️😞
>>> I made coffee ☕️😞 T, where
Toeless fluffers are needed!!
Snip the tips!!
It is delicious 🤤☕️😏