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I’m doing good, chilling at home rn
Hi peeps
From the other side
I must have tried a million times
Evening friends
Hello Awesome friends
How did march start ?
Very good
Miawty 💋
Good morning! ☀️
Morning friends
Miss Mia 👋
I wanna loooove you for christmasssss 🎶
How sweet
Good evening
How’s it going down there? (No pun intended now fr)
Gday Blondie
🎶”You say Love is a hell you cannot bear And I say Give me mine back and then go there For all I care”🎶
I've been there and came back many times already
10 out of 10 Would recommend?
Recommend what? I'm unsure what song that is
Song is “Sleep to Dream” by Fiona Apple. Recommend hell since you’re a frequent visitor.
Il take a listen
I'm under the influence anyway lol
Usually when I remember those lyrics I’m the one who can go to hell. But this time around there was no doubt in my mind… I was saying that to my ex.
I can't speak to my ex, I blocked her after I learned she was using me. My last irl relationship so far.
We dated for about 9 months, because she was using me as her emotional support person as she was getting over her ex. And once I wasn't needed anymore, she got pregnant with another dude, then married in like a 9 month span. She was chatting with him behind my back, that btch lol
That sucks man!
Yea. I kind of ranted there lol
It’s a terrible feeling… realizing that you were just being used. I know first hand.
Yep it’s awful. Always gives me doubts bout me finding another person
Yeah… I’m on the same boat
Good night 😘
Night bubble 🫶
Bubble wubble