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A grand gift!! 🤣🤣
Sam tell You homeboy I need a 10x diamond
So I know what it feels like
I am the Crimson Sam of Jam’Allam
Oh wtf
Morning again everyone hope your day is going well so far
And I want red bird stix 😏
Hey hey kura hows u
Kura Kura!!
And then to blame it on me
Morning Kura
What if weeee rewrite the stars 🎶
It will be your fault again 🙄🤣
Hi kura
Doing good so far today, but the day is just getting started soo...there's that
You got me in the mood for bunny stix 🎶
Silly billy
Sam, Mia quetz, Blondie morning
Beautiful morning🎶
Any of you ever seen the movie “But I’m a Cheerleader!”
No why
Unfortunately 🤦‍♂️
Worst 5 minutes of my life
Not me 👁
What accessory would fit well on my cheetah?
Its that short
I want something new
Awww you didn’t like it? I thought it was sweet and funny.
I thought u wanted stix
Let’s browse!!
That’s what she said
That's how long I watched before I switched the channel
Campy too.
I did say that
What about that technicolour scarf 🧣
Honestly it just wasn't my kinda show
When you said silly billy I was reminded of it.
I saw a movie called silly Billy