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Anonymous Chat Rooms, Dating roleplay game with random strangers online
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I want to have a beer with you and see what we can cook up
>>> Hello Sara Hi h r u
Quetz I consider you a friend if not family, remember that I am always going to be there for you
Cranky. Hbu?
Thanks Kura, I consider you a friend as well.
Cranky? Bro I am cranky you are like a feather in that aspect 😂
I'm sorry Sara, please forgive my manners I am a bit into my cups at the moment
I hope you are doing well today?
You all know each other here
So it seems
I am new here
Don ' t know anyone
"Knowing "anyone on here takes trust, honesty on both sides and a little bit of commitment
Finding friends is easy, anything else is very much up to debate
I need to cut my hair soon, it's getting shoulder length again
Quetz I've know you long enough that I trust you
Flat out
Ever thought of a buzz cut, Kura? 😁
Grew up with buzz cuts 😂
Oh you must be like “ F#%k that shyte!”
My mom used to call them military cuts and believe me ,their a lot better than bowl cuts 😂🤣😂
I would go for a buzz any day compared to most
Except for during the winter, I get colds quicker with less hair
I like the way my head feels when I put the razor to it. But I do wish I could have to option to grow it ALL out. 🥲
That is the option I have waaay to often
Chrome Dome!
I like
Gives me the option to rub and see my future 😏😂
Solar Flare!
😂 Thom Yorke rubbed Michael Stipe’s for good luck.
Dude..you do the solar flare you have to do the move 🤦‍♂️
Which believe it or not was based on the ancient bhuddist greeting😂
I do! Unfortunately I have to hold the phone with one hand
At least it's not a kamehameha
Sooo fraggin over done😑
Yeah, totally! They stretched it waaaay the f#%k out!
Still...GT is legendary
I only watched the original and Z.
You need to watch GT
It's amazing in sooo many ways
The artwowas next-generation
Artwork *
I need to get off here for now, tablet is going to die😅
But y'all later!
Later, Kura!
A Heyy
Hello, Notsomanly. How are you?