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Kultura i Społeczność/

📚Religion: Let’s Talk

First unmoved mover
Idk what that is either
Well basicky everything is the result of something else
So you we exist because Homo sapiens did … and evolved. From … which evolved from …
And that happened because earth is positioned perfectly to the sun which is because of the size of our sun and so on
How does that argue for Christianity
Well I’m arguing the existence of God in general
Basicky eventually everything leads back to one point, one original cause that set everything off, and one explanation says that’s God
I don’t think there is any logical proof that can prove or disprove the existence of God without any room for doubt And that’s why there is faith
How does one choose which religion to have faith in
A lot of that just comes down to where you are born and personal experience
Most people are not going to chose based on reading the early church fathers or reading all the Hindu epics haha It’s going to be because where you were born and emotional feelings in most cases
Yea ig if you want evidence u gotta be an atheist
But I don’t think there is really any irrefutable proof to prove or disprove atheism or any religion
Atheism isn't the belief that there's no god it's the lack of belief in a god
But religion is chill if you don't impose it on others so
I know what I mean to say is no one really knows the answer and can back it up with logically sound and irrefutable proof that is so perfect it is immune to question
Yea but like imagine I was arguing that unicorns exist. There's equal lack of proof for and against. Does this mean the two arguments are equally likely?
Difference is there’s not even anything to really suggest the existence of them There is some arguments to be made for God
Horses are practically unicorns already. Is it really that implausible that some could have horns? The world is a wife and vast place
Sure but there’s also not much of a difference then is there between the two and so it’s not much diffrence
Anyways it’s getting late lol
I do like this chat but it is getting late haha
Uh huh
Good night then
It’s past midnight here lol
Sleep well!
This does bring an interesting comparison but I think the nature of something being unable to be proven or disproven and that there’s no clear indication of one being clearly more likley is important to remember
The main thing to consider though for that is that it is only in considering God being the answer to our unanswered question of where all things came from and not about the nature or reasons for Gods actions or how much he bothers once things were made
I'm not sure what you are trying to say here
Do you believe he acts or has reasons or just created?
I have my inclinations but in truth I don’t know I am still thinking on it
Fair enough
I attend church but have not yet been baptized(I was not born Christian and have not yet been fully convinced in my heart of it but do think I will eventually and then seek baptism)
Oh that's interesting so you chose Christianity from nothing?
Well I have studied church history and theology as part of some classes but yes I did not go to church as a child
Huh very interesting
Few people join the church without early indoctrination lol
But I respect the wish for community and spirituality
Very few of us are ever not indoctrinated by some ideas by our parents and society
Have a nice night
Islam agrees 👍🏽
>>> Difference is there’s not even anything to... Unicorns are way more plausible to exist than a god. We already have horned animals (rhinos, naarwhals), as well as horses. Unicorns don't exist but there's at least some evidence they could have, or will. Compared to the evidence of god which is absolute zero