Don't get me wrong I have nothing against it
But it feels great to not smoke it anymore
no worries I understand your point
I got a lovehate relationship with weeds
I love it, but it don't love me 🖐️😔
actually, it's the psychoactive cannabinoids that don't. the non one ain't too shabby
i dont think jesus is reading Anti messages
if u do not criticise islam
there is somethinf wrong with u
you have sold your soul or have kost too main 🧠 cells to see things clearly. because its that obvious
>>> if u do not criticise islam
Can you say something of substance instead?
How about I criticize all Abrahamic religions, is that fair?
Yeah, sure, as long as you make sure to mention how the religions are currently followed today
Ah! That takes significant amount of research, as the religions are nothing like their original concepts.
Yah same way humans have evolved in terms of how they live. Look at all the tech we have today, do you think 100years ago they had all these around
humans are relatively the same from 100 years ago. Just with a better widely accepted idea of how things work
oh wait, somehow I skipped over "in terms of how they live". nevermind, carry on 😶🌫️
People in the past were strong
But leave the information that people in the past were backward
So what’s your opinion then
who in here is not muslim?
There are a lot of people who aren’t Muslims or Christians
Can’t answer that for you
I don’t subscribe to any of the Abrahamic religions.
i'm pagan. need more atheists in here
pagan's a massive umbrella term so i think so. i've known non theistic pagans. the non theistic ones tend to be animists who treat it as a way to understand the world around you
What is the difference between animism and paganism?
animism can fall under paganism. animism is in a sense believing nature is entities or nature is aware
but pagan can mean so many things. paganism is not a specific practice or belief
It’s just a romanticized term people like, it doesn’t mean anything, tells you nothing about someone’s belief systems
People associate it with Vikings and shamans and stuff so it sticks around in modern culture
That’s why people become pagan lol
More interesting than the tales of monotheistic books..
I still don't follow pagan tho
Shamanism is also under pagan?
Pagan is an adjective basically
It’s not like there’s a list of religions under pagan
Not like how Christianity has Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Protestant, etc
You can describe shamanistic practices as pagan and not be wrong, but it’s more complicated than that because neither of them has a rule book
yes that is true. shamanism falls under paganism but european shaman is moreso considered pagan compared to say mesoamerican shamanism. i personally consider all shamanism to be pagan but it depends who you ask. what's pagan is a perspective thing for people. i am a sami shaman
How do you live as a shaman? I mean what activities do you do?
my guess is as an accountant in oslo
i live like a normal person. what do you mean lmao
No I mean what activities do you do? How do you worship? What's your dogma belief system?
don't have a dogma. don't worship nothing. i believe in some deities but i don't worship them. i do not believe they are gods. i do not believe they are above us. i think they are some sort of being but nothing special. just a yet to be understood part of this world
>>> don't have a dogma. don't worship nothing....
think they're just trying to ask about your world view
me? no. I just like the colours
a world view isn't easy to sum up tho. that's 29 years of me making sense of this place
it is like asking someone what's on their computer's hard drive. you can't summarize every file your brain has in storage
in 20 sentences or less, please
you'd just have to ask specifics if you want to know more. you get broad answers with broad questions
>>> don't have a dogma. don't worship nothing....
Love this
What about voodoo dolls used in rituals? Does this have pagan origin?
but if you're asking about something like a voodoo doll i'm not sure
Is it considered pagan practice?
Dude, I think you’re seriously missing the point
i wouldn't say voodoo is pagan. voodoo's a straight up religion with christian connections too
You could call it pagan. Depending on which definition you use
>>> don't have a dogma. don't worship nothing....
This is contradicting yourself. Deities are by definition gods.
>>> This is contradicting yourself. Deities ar...
i said deities because that's what people refer to them as. if i used another term it wouldn't have been clear
>>> i wouldn't say voodoo is pagan. voodoo's a...
So voodoo isn't pagan but if you learn it anyone can do it
>>> What about voodoo dolls used in rituals? D...
And to do a voodoo doll is not that Easy either