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Cultura y comunidad/

📚Religion: Let’s Talk

It's a natural process that has existed for over 3 billion
No. Nothing tells us that has to be the case.
Just because you see that humans invent things and that humans have to be a creator for things - doesnt mean this has to be logically true for nature as well. It is your fault of being limited in your mind
>>> Who made gold silver and petroleum in grounds Gold is made within stars
Lmao we can
Nobody made it
Exactly. Nobody made it.
The only times you see something inventedcreated by someone is by us humans. How we make watches and chairs etc. The ONLY examples of that comes from humans making something. And by this you assume THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE also must have had a creator. It is extremely short-minded to think that
Nothing actually tells you it had to be
Frog i'm about to pull my hairs out due to this guy
Define power
Nobody. It's being lit by atoms smashing into each other under the pressure to release energy
No it's me, I do it ever morning so that I can look for my phone
I thought religious people liked to say that finding religion does change your life
I imagine after few years in future a robot is saying I have evolved from a cigarette pack, for example, or a wireless mouse.
I appreciate your interest in poetry, but I’d rather not share.
Hello everybody I was wondering would anyone like to have some fun
Not a problem, thanks all the same.
Sure. 😌
Hello everyone
Hello all 👋👋👋
Heyo gang
Wrong room
Hallo good afternoon
How are you all doing? I’m
Well I have you squirrel
The bus got an engine failure in a round about on my way home from xmas shopping
I think karl Marx is trying to send a message
Buy a car?
Follow whatever religion
Just keep working
I was thinking more like "don't contribute to consumerism"
And don't fight with other
But those also work
Let people be free to choose whatever they want
We all know Marx loved a good Bugatti
Hi frog