Trump is the only one who can lead us to the eternal light
I don't know. Those judgemental eyes look awfully suspicious.
Theyre just judgmental and suspicious of other people. That's all 😇
He already went first. Where's his reward?
It says it in the scriptures Trump will rise in the east
I think they're trolling 😴
Don't engage him. He's looking to troll.
He needs some better troll material.
all bird does is post rage bait in different chats
I could watch this over and over
You should. I'd rate it a 910.
And I'm really picky with what I watch.
I must watch it with my child then
I've been known to cut movies off if they bore me. Lol
Hahah I do that, or keep it on and do 50 other things
Trump is the only one who can lead us into the eternal light of everlasting salvation !
Liberalism is a mental disorder
Elemental is great, honestly.
Probably my favorite since Brave.
Probably my favorite as well.
Trump the almighty has arisen !
No thanks. I'm saving it for someone special.