Iostly take chamomile and mountain tea
Idk how people in Egypt consume ginger
I should take ginger from a herb store
Who likes whole wheat bread?
>>> Who likes whole wheat bread?
Not me
>>> Idk how people in Egypt consume ginger
It is so good for health
>>> Really? How come?
Mydieteticienne told me not to consumme it .. =((
I should be consuming more herbs
>>> Really? How come?
Mydieteticienne told me not to consumme it .. =((
>>> I should be consuming more herbs
Greetings to everyone over here👋👋
What's the cause foe what she prevented you from eating it?
>>> Not good for my stomach
It has less sugar I think
How's life going in sweden lub? Any news?
How's your Friday night going?
>>> What's the cause foe what she prevented yo...
J'ai eu une inflammation de l'estomac ,donc je pourrais avoir une maladie comme la cœliaque,ce qui fait, je dois éviter de manger de la glutine ou toutes sortes de céréales..((
People ignore wheat mostly coz of gluten
>>> Does bread have gluten?
Ofc It has
Now i Buy pasta without glutin =))