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NNice People🎈

I like wine
Aibt most incels on anti looking for love?
i can’t drink alcohol
i’m allergic to it
Facundo I may know someone who would be interested
Dont drink wine its literally human blood
It tastes so good tho
I know right
>>> Facundo I may know someone who would be in... Pass
huh ??
To allergic what exactly?
all liquor but in different ways
>>> I see, you wanna take some time for yourself? Either between codm, bloodstrike, AQ3D, Lost or Earn To Die Rogue
Soo Nicolas dates chicken huhu
You should also play squad busters
Warrr hruu
Facundo is great guy
>>> Dont drink wine its literally human blood Facts
>>> Soo Nicolas dates chicken huhu The wot
Wine is good for the heart
Because of the grape
Guys have you ever gone clubbing?
What a logic 👏🏻🤣🤣
>>> Guys have you ever gone clubbing? Nope I'm a boring person
Its called drunk
It's not for everyone
You either like it or you don't, no in between
I know but i love messing with people
>>> Guys have you ever gone clubbing? Clubbing are for lonely people
nah i’m not drunk i just get sick for days
clubbing sucks it’s not fun at all
Its fun but its too expensive in my country
Which country?
No dude is from Bulgaria?
Yes 👁️👁️
Woo awesome
We are close then
This close 👌
Actually gays i live in trakiya
And I live on Pluto
i live in saturn