I dont know anyone that ever considered bradley beal a superstar. A star on a bad team at best
Did u watch his first game w dallas? He was dominating sengun before he went down
He’s injured so it’s a moot point but if he’s healthy most of the season next year… Mavs won’t even make the play in
When it happens I don’t wanna hear it’s bcuz he’s old
Hes not old yet but they do have limited window. This dallas team been playing well without luka or AD or their other bigs so i dont see them missing the playoffs if healthy
He’ll slow them down don’t you worry.
Averagin a 25 pt double double and 3rd in the league in blocks. Not bad
Shoots better free throws than giianis and can pop the 3.
You act like AD is a ben Simmons caliber player
Who's winning tonight clips or Lakers?
Sixers tanking 🙄 "Trust the process". They keep their 2025 pick if its 1-6. It goes to okc if its 7th and higher
Doesn’t Mobley have the same skill set as AD?
I think He might be a slightly better defender but offensively and rebounding i give it to AD
Nah okc has enough young talent. But philly so trash its gonna be top 6
More consistent mid range I’ll give you that. But that’s my point you wouldn’t trade Luka for Mobley
I like the idea of KD getting traded back to okc and retiring there
Ofc not. It was a dumb trade on dallas end but AD isnt a bum. Plus who knows what that laker 1st will be by 2030
Okc fans still hurt he left em😂😂
If Luka leaves after 2 years then it’s a good trade
Atkinson should’ve never been fired
Spida took over in the 4th
If he plays like this in the playoffs theyre takin it
Way better coach than steve nash will ever be
How about that Cavalier comeback win?
Doubt Steve Nash will get another coaching job
It was a good comeback tho. Liked how they mixed things up defensively
Still not sure if they can win 7 game series against Celtics fully healthy
Ja morant sold for the win
Don't sleep on the knicks
No one is sleeping on da Knicks
I don’t feel like he even wanted it
I’d like to see the Knicks win the conference